How do I create employee messages?

This article describes employee messages and how to use them.

isolved provides the ability to communicate with employees by adding messages. The message can be enhanced by providing a link to a website, or a document with additional details or forms. The documents can include Employee Handbooks, Benefit information, or Job-related forms, and you may add an acknowledgement to confirm your employees have reviewed them. The messages can appear on the Employee Messages screen and/or the Company Information page listed under the Employee Self-Service tab. Multiple messages, links and documents can be stored here for employees to access.

Message Categories
Message Categories allow you to organize multiple messages into meaningful groupings. Some suggestions might be current events, employee recognition or company policies. Navigate to Client Management > HR Management > HR Administration > Message Categories.


  • Click on the Add New icon.
  • Add a Category Heading (required).
  • Add more details with the Category Description (optional).
  • Display Order allows you to prioritize the categories, or how they appear.

Employee Messages
The Employee Message screen provides the fields to add text, links and/or documents and schedule the message to appear in Employee Self-Service. Navigate to Client Management > HR Management > HR Administration > Employee Messages.

  • Message Title and Text: Add a Message Title and Message Text into these fields.
  • Effective Date: The Effective Date is a required field. The message will not appear to employees until the effective date has been reached.
  • Expiration Date: An Expiration Date is optional but can be used when a specific message should only be displayed for a certain amount of time. A message will be automatically removed once the expiration date has passed.
  • Message Category: Select the Message Category that you want this message to appear under. The drop-down box will contain all categories set up under Message Category.
  • Show on Employee Landing Page: If you select Show on Employee Landing page, the message will appear on the Employee Messages screen of ESS. A reminder will appear on the employee’s welcome page.
  • Company Information Page: You have the option of placing the message on either or both pages.

    Suggestion: Some customers use the Employee Message screen for current events and topics, but use the Company Information screen for company policies, like the company handbook.
  • Legal Company Access: If you have multiple legal companies, you can choose to display a message for the employees of one legal company, or multiple. You must select at least one. Note: If no company is selected, the message will be hidden from Client users. Service Bureau users will still see the messages and can assist with checking the appropriate boxes.

Eligibility Rules can be added to Employee Messages. This limits the message to a group of employees based on the selections in the eligibility rule. We added a rule for “Full Time,” “Active” and “Work Location CA.” Once the eligibility rule is added, link it to the message.

There is an “Eligible Employee” report or export to check the accuracy of your rules and review the eligible employees for this message.

You can add a link to a website where information is posted. This could be your own company website, or the website of your Benefit providers.

  • Link Text: Add the text you would like to appear for your employees.
  • Link URL: Add the URL including the http or https.
  • Display Order: Each message may contain more than one link. You may sequence them as needed.

You can add a document to your message.

Along with adding the document, you can ask for acknowledgement from your employees. There is an Acknowledgement Report or Export, if requested.

  • Attach File: Select the attach file button to search for your document. A file size of 4 MB to 32 MB is allowed.
  • Display Order: Each message may contain multiple documents.
  • Requires Acknowledgement: The employee must open the document to be allowed to click “Sign Acknowledgement.”

Required Acknowledgement
If you need an electronic signature from the employee verifying that they have read the document, click the Requires Acknowledgement box. This flag will trigger three additional actions.

  • The employee will see a message appear on the Employee Welcome page that alerts them, and links them directly to this message if added to Employee Messages.
  • If the message is under Company Information, the employee will see this message title in red indicating that they must read and acknowledge this document.
  • The employee can check the box and click Sign Acknowledgement.

Note: Fillable forms can be added to messages on the Forms tab. The first step is to add the fillable form or forms on the Client Forms page, then the form can be selected from a dropdown menu on the Forms tab in messages. The form can be marked to require completion but will not be validated for completion. Manager and Supervisor access can also be allowed, perform. See the Fillable Forms article on the University Library for more information.
The following message appears:

  • You can obtain a list of all employees who have acknowledged reading this document by clicking the View Acknowledgement Report button. The report will indicate the date and time of the acknowledgement.
  • If a PDF type document is acknowledged, the electronically signed version is placed in the list of documents on the Employee Documents page.

Email Alerts

If Electronic Consent is activated for the client, the use of Email Alert reminders for any documents to be reviewed and acknowledged is available. See the conditions that will be followed when using these alerts.

Once the Message Information, Eligibility (if any), Links and Documents are added to your message, click on the Save icon. The document added must “Require Acknowledgement.” Once saved, a tab will appear titled Email Alerts. Complete the following:

  1. Click on the Edit icon.
  2. Select an Email Template. Note: Email Templates are set up under Workflow Setup > Email Templates. Select an Email Type of “Employee Messages.”
  3. Select the Frequency in days. Example: Enter “5” and email reminder acknowledgement will go out every 5 days until acknowledged.
  4. Select the Start on date from the calendar.

Note: HTML formatting is allowed on messages created in Email Templates. Paragraphs, fonts, bullets, bold, and italics are allowed.

Viewing Assigned Messages

  • After the message is assigned and the effective date is current, when the employee logs into Employee Self-Service, a notification will display.
  • Once the notification link is clicked, the employee will be taken to the Employee Messages screen. Any individually assigned messages will display at the top of the screen, under the My Assigned Messages section.

Troubleshooting Employee Messages

If your message is not appearing for employees, verify the setup:

  1. Has the effective date been reached?
  2. Is there a selection for “Show on Landing Page” or “Show on Company Information Page”?
  3. Is there a selection for at least one legal company?
  4. If the message was individually assigned, was the message assigned to the correct employee?