What are the different areas of the Bills page?

Get to know the Bills page in this overview.

Mar 18, 2024

The Bills page is split into tabs to make viewing and paying bills even simpler!

Unpaid Bills tab

On the Unpaid Bills tab, you can:

  • Create bills
  • Pay bills
    • single payment
    • bulk payment
    • mark as paid (offline payment)
    • print checks in your accounting system

Get even more control over bill pay

If you sync with QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks Desktop, or Sage Intacct, you can use the dynamic bank balance on the unpaid bills tab. Bank verified users can see the current default bank balance from the Trial Balance report from your accounting software to help you decide which bills to pay, and when.

The unpaid bills tab shows the balance of your default bank, based on the balance at the time of the last sync. If you select bills to schedule for payment, you can hover over the
balance to see what your new balance would be, if you scheduled the selected bill payments.


  • If your balance looks incorrect, sync again to be sure you've synced over the most recent balance from your accounting software
  • Even if your bank shows a negative balance on this page, you can still schedule payments. This tool is simply informational, to help you make informed payment decisions based on their accounting software, and will never prevent you from scheduling payments.

Customize your Unpaid Bills tab

Filter by:

  • Vendor
  • Approver
  • Approval Status
  • Payment Status
    • You can only view unpaid and/or partially paid bills on this tab
  • Days Waiting (for approval)
  • Bill Type
  • Due date
  • Created date

Sort by:

Sort the following columns alphabetically or numerically, ascending or descending, by selecting the arrows next to the column headers.

  • Invoice #
  • Vendor
  • Chart of account
  • Item
  • Department
  • Location
  • Class
  • PO no.
  • Created date
  • Invoice date
  • Due date
  • Invoice Amount

You can only sort one column at a time. If you need to sort by more than one column, we suggest exporting the page to a CSV (see below).

Select and resize columns:

You can enable (checked) or disable (unchecked) on the Bills page by selecting customize columns, and you can resize by selecting and dragging either end of the column header

  • Invoice #
  • Uploads
    • hover over the attachment icon to view the first page of attached documents
  • Notes
    • hover over the notes icon to view any notes on a bill
  • Vendor
  • Chart of account
  • PO no.
  • Item
  • Department
  • Location
  • Class
  • Bill Type
    • Manual, Recurring, Auto-save
  • Created date
  • Invoice date
  • Due date
  • Approval status
  • Currency
  • Invoice amount
  • Balance due
  • Payment status
  • Process Date
  • Type & Est. Arrival
  • Payment Amount
  • Pay From

Export your Unpaid Bills tab

Export the bills shown on the screen, based on filters and columns applied, by using these steps from the Bills page:

  1. Select More actions
  2. Select Export .CSV or Export to Excel

All Bills tab

On the All Bills tab, you can:

  •  Create bills
  • Review current and historical bills
    • this tab has the option to view any bill, regardless of status

Customize your All Bills tab

Filter by:

  • Vendor name
  • Payment status
  • Bill status
  • Bill type
  • Due date
  • Created date

Sort by:

Sort the following columns alphabetically or numerically, ascending or descending, by selecting the arrows next to the column headers.

  • Invoice #
  • Vendor
  • Invoice Date
  • Due Date
  • Invoice Amount

You can only sort one column at a time. If you need to sort by more than one column, we suggest exporting the page to a CSV (see below).

Select and resize columns:

You can enable (checked) or disable (unchecked) the columns under the Bills page by selecting customize columns, and you can resize by selecting and dragging either end of the column header

  • Invoice #
  • Uploads
    • hover over the attachment icon to view the first page of attached documents
  • Notes
    • hover over the notes icon to view any notes on a bill
  • Vendor
  • Chart of account
  • PO no.
  • Item
  • Department
  • Location
  • Class
  • Bill Type
  • Created date
  • Invoice date
  • Due date
  • Approval status
  • Currency
  • Invoice amount
  • Balance due
  • Payment status
  • Process Date
  • Type & Est. Arrival
  • Payment Amount
  • Pay From

Export your All Bills tab

Export the bills shown on the screen, based on filters and columns applied, by using these steps from the Bills page:

  1. Select More actions
  2. Select Export .CSV or Export to Excel

Recurring Bills tab

On this tab, you can:

  • View active and inactive recurring bills
  • Add a new recurring bill
  • Edit existing recurring bills
  • Delete recurring bills

Draft Bills tab
On this tab, you can:

  • Review draft bills
  • Edit existing draft bills
  • Delete draft bills
  • Sort by:
    • Invoice #
    • Vendor
    • PO no.
    • Chart of account
    • Created date
    • Invoice date
    • Due Date
    • Invoice Amount

You can only sort one column at a time. If you need to sort by more than one column, we suggest exporting the page to a CSV (see below).

Select and resize columns:

You can enable (checked) or disable (unchecked) the columns under the Bills page by selecting customize columns, and you can resize by selecting and dragging either end of the column header

  • Invoice #
  • Uploads
    • hover over the attachment icon to view the first page of attached documents
  • Notes
    • hover over the notes icon to view any notes on a bill
  • Vendor
  • Chart of account
  • PO no.
  • Item
  • Department
  • Location
  • Class
  • Bill Type
  • Created date
  • Invoice date
  • Due date
  • Approval status
  • Currency
  • Invoice amount
  • Balance due
  • Payment status
  • Process Date
  • Type & Est. Arrival
  • Payment Amount
  • Pay From

Vendor Credits tab

On this tab, you can:

  • View active and inactive vendor credits
  • Add a new vendor credit
  • Edit existing vendor credits
  • Delete vendor credits
  • Sort by:
    • Ref #
    • Credit Date
    • Vendor
    • Amount
    • Approved Amount
    • Applied Amount
    • Approval Status
    • Applied Status
  • Filter by:
    • Approval Status
    • Applied Status

Things to know

  • The exported file will appear in the Downloads section of your browser, titled "export" or "export-X" with X being the number of the export. For example, the first export file will be called "export," the next one will be called "export-2" and so on
  • Depending on the filters and columns you apply, the download will have the same filtered data
    • The filter list itself doesn't export
  • The export won't include the values for associated documents, notes, checkboxes and/or actions