What is the employee level screen called Jobs?

The purpose of this article is to explain the functionality of the employee level screen called Jobs.

Navigate to Employee Management > Employee Maintenance > Jobs. This screen displays all jobs for a specific employee. By default, the Job Details card will be open for the current job record. You can use the arrow to the left of the effective date for each job to open or close the Job Details card.

To add a new job record, click on Add New. This screen records information about a specific employee’s position, title, change history, along with other information based on the job title. Here is the information that can be added:

  • Job
  • Effective Date
  • Change Reason
  • Experience
  • Organization Fields
  • Supervisor
  • Manager
  • Default Workers Comp
  • Workers Comp
  • Workers Comp Exempt
  • SOC Code Search
  • Compensation Policy
  • Override Policy Group
  • Notes
  • Job Classification (pulls information from Client Management > Job > Jobs screen)

Let’s review the function of these fields.

  • Job is a drop-down menu based on the information added under Client Management > Job > Jobs. It will include the Job Code and Job Title. The information will be sorted alphabetically based on Job Title. Select the Job that applies to the employee’s position or job title.
    • Click on the Add New icon.
    • Effective Date will default to current date, change to the correct date.
    • Select any/all other fields that apply
      Note: Fields populated in an old record will not populate the new record, you must select them before saving.
    • Click on the Save icon.
    • Using the “Data Conversion Master for Imports,” select the “Employee Import” and import Job Date.Effective Date is a field to indicate the effective date of the specific job title added to the Employee. This can be added in several ways:
    • Using “Data Conversion Master for Imports,” select the “Job History” import and import Effective Date.
      Note: When using the “Job History” import, be careful that the effective date of the current entry is correct prior to importing any history. Also, if a match is found based on Effective Date, all other fields added on the Job History import will be added to that record. Otherwise, a new record will be added based on the Effective Date.
      Note that if no Job Date is added on the Employee Import, but a Job Code is added, the effective date will default to the employee’s hire date.
  • Change Reason will only be available as a drop-down if the Client administrator created them under Client Management > Tables > Change Reasons. These reasons can be created in order to show history of why and when a job title changed for an employee. The Change Reason selected will become permanent information based on that entry.
  • Organization Fields may be available on the Job screen if the Organization field has an indicator saying “Include in Job Table.” Please contact your customer service representative if the field is not available on the Job screen and you would like it as part of the Job record

    By adding the Organization Field on the Job screen, an effective date can be added to the job and organization change. Therefore, if an entry was completed for a new position in a new department, both would be available on the same screen.

  • Managerial Options allow you to assign either a manager or supervisor directly to an employee’s job record. Once assigned, this option may give Managers or Supervisors the option of reviewing or approving information for their direct reports using Employee Self-Service.
    In order to add a Manager or Supervisor record:
    1. Click Add New or Edit on the employee’s Jobs record.
    2. Select the manager and/or supervisor from the drop-down menu. Names in these lists include employees who have jobs that are marked as a manager or supervisor.
    3. Click on the Save icon.

Note: The manager/supervisor will not be available if assigned under Organization Manager/Supervisor.

The assignment of Manager or Supervisors can also be completed by completing a Data Import using either of the following import types:

  • “Employee Import” using column heading Manager Employee ID or Supervisor Employee ID.
  • “Job History Import” using column heading Manager Employee ID or Supervisor Employee ID.

Note: These fields cannot be used unless the employee IDs entered in the spreadsheet are already in the database.

  • Workers Comp is a drop-down menu based on the information entered under Client Management > Tables > Workers Comp Rates. All codes entered will be available for selection.

    If the code is not a default or organization default, this selection will be the Worker Comp code for reporting for this employee and if entered here, will override any previous defaults selected.
  • Default Workers Comp codes can be added to an employee by default in three ways. They are:
    • Client Management > Job > Jobs – Default Workers Comp
    • Client Management > Client Maintenance > Legal Company > Default Workers Comp
    • Client Management > Tables > Organization Workers Comp

This field will be prefilled if defaults were set up for this job title under any of the screens above. In order to override, select an entry from the Workers Comp drop-down menu and save.

  • SOC Code stands for “Standard Occupational Classification.” It is a system in the United States that classify occupations. It is used by federal government agencies collecting occupational date, enabling comparison of occupations across data sets. For SOC codes published, refer to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In order to enter the SOC code:
    • Enter the first few numbers in the SOC code.
    • A listing of all SOC codes and job titles will appear.
    • Select the one that applies.
    • Click on the Save icon.

Once saved, the information will appear in the Job record, and will be available for reporting using Report Writer.

  • Compensation Policy can be added under Client Management > Tables > Compensation Plans, if needed. A compensation plan refer to all components of a compensation package, the manner the wages will be paid, and for what purpose an employee may receive bonuses, salary increases or incentives.
    If available, all Compensation Plans added will be available in the drop-down menu.
  • The Job Classification box is pre-populated based on the information added under Client Management > Job > Jobs to the Job code. Once that Job is added to the employee and saved, that information will be available in the employee record.

  • Job Options includes information such as if the job manages others or supervises others. If blank, the employee is not assigned a job that is classified as such.
  • Default Manager/Default Supervisor displays any defaults set on the job record.
  • Job Summary displays a summary of the job.
  • Job Description displays the job description.
  • Salary Grade is populated based on the information added under Client Management > Job > Jobs on the Job Levels tab. Once that Job is added to the employee and saved, that information will be available in the employee record. It will include the following:
    • Salary Grade Code and Description
    • Unit Type (Annual, Monthly or Hourly)
    • Min
    • Mid-Point
    • Max
  • Employee Compensation Metrics include the following fields:
    • Compa-Ratio: Compa-ratio is calculated as the employee’s current hourly rate or salary divided by the current Salary Grade as defined by the company’s competitive pay policy.
      Compa-Ratios are position specific. A number lower than 1 means the employee is paid below the average, a 1 at the average and over 1 at above the average.)
    • Salary Penetration: The purpose of this calculation is to compare the current salary of an employee to the total pay range for their position. This is calculated only for the current job record and for the salary as of the current date. The field uses a calculation ‘(EE salary-range minimum)/(range maximum – range minimum).

Updating Employee Job Information
When changing or updating Employee Job information due to a change in position, manager or workers comp code, navigate to Employee Management > Employee Maintenance > Jobs. Click on the Copy icon and complete only the information that has changed.in the following fields:

  • Effective Date: Defaults to the current date, change if applicable
  • Change Reason: Select from drop-down menu
  • Job: Select from drop-down menu
  • Organizations: Select from drop-down menu Note: If Organizations do not appear on the Job screen, and there is a change in the Organization based on the employee job change, navigate to Employee Management > Employee Maintenance > Organizations.
  • Workers Comp: Select from the drop-down menu (if applicable)
  • SOC Code: Key in the SOC code (if applicable)
  • Manager Search: Key in and select the Manager’s last name or employee ID
  • Supervisor Search: Key in and select the Supervisor’s last name or employee ID
  • Compensation Plan: Select from drop-down menu (if applicable)

Note: If you click Add New, you will need to key in all fields whether changed or not. If you click Edit, a new record will not be added to your history.

Once you have completed the following, click on the Save icon.

Report Writer
The information included on the client level Job screen are available in Report Writer. The Field Category is called “Employee Job.” On the HR report, there is also a field category called “Job History.” Many fields from the client level Job table and the Employee level Job screen are available for selection in your Report Writer customized report.

Client Reports
Based on the information that is listed on the client level and employee level job screen, there are many reports available under Client Reports where this information will be available. Here are some of them:

  • EE01
  • Employee Job History
  • Jobs List
  • Employee Profile
  • Employee Managers and Supervisors